Accept Your Emotions (Guided Meditation with Havening Techniques)

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Life is less overwhelming when we can accept our emotions more (and resist them less)

Learning to accept our emotions can be difficult! We’ve been conditioned to resist, judge, repress, deny and run away from our emotions.

But here’s the thing: true healing begins with acknowledging and accepting what we’re really feeling.

And not only is learning to accept your emotions an important part of healing, it’s also one of the quickest ways to decrease your stress and suffering and create more peace in your body and in your life.

The Benefits of Accepting Your Emotions

Learning to accept our emotions more and resist them less is one of the most powerful ways that we can deepen our self-compassion, decrease our self judgment, and strengthen our inner peace.

When we resist or deny our emotions, we often get stuck in them longer! Emotions are meant to flow through our bodies and psyches like water in a stream, but when we repress and ignore them, it’s like creating dams and blockages in that flow.

But, when we can accept our emotions, it helps our emotions move through us in the way that they naturally can be understood and moved through.

We don’t realize how much of our stress and suffering actually occurs because we are internally at war with our own emotions.

When we push away and resist our own emotions, we begin to judge ourselves and others; we tense our muscles and contract our bodies; we numb, avoid, distract, build walls, intellectualize, and run away, until we become sort of bound up and tied in knots inside. This often leads us to always feel anxious, overwhelmed, or tense in a generalized way.

The truth is that emotions are part of the human experience. They’re physiologically hardwired into us. And yet, we’re out here acting like these very real and natural feelings that we have inside ourselves are somehow bad or wrong or shameful. This keeps us tense, anxious, agitated and constantly overthinking.

Let’s learn a new way! Let’s learn to soften towards ourselves and find more peace by acknowledging and accepting our emotions.

Do the guided meditation to accept your emotions now!

Learn all about Havening Techniques here

Iffirmations to Accept Your Emotions:

(Iffirmations are like affirmations, but we start them with “what if.” This small change makes them more powerful to your subconscious mind and more authentic. Instead of stating things you don’t believe, you ask questions which feel expansive and open your mind to greater possibilities!)

  • What if it’s okay to feel this way right now?

  • What if lots of people struggle like this sometimes?

  • What if there’s nothing wrong with me for feeling this way?

  • What if my reaction here actually makes sense in a way?

  • What would it be like to acknowledge what I’m really feeling right now and love myself anyway?

  • What would it be like to soften my heart to myself and this moment exactly as it is?

  • What if I can stop fighting with what is?

  • What would it be like to just accept my feelings right now?

  • What if I can love and accept myself even though I’m feeling difficult emotions?

  • What if I can love and accept myself especially when I’m feeling difficult emotions?

  • What if I’m allowed to feel this way right now knowing that I won’t always feel this way?

  • What if all of my feelings are real and valid?

  • What if it’s safe for me to feel my emotions?

  • What would it be like to no longer have to hide my emotions from myself and from others?

  • What would it be like to no longer have to pretend I’m not feeling what I’m feeling?

  • What if accepting my feelings is a good first step towards deeper healing?

  • What if accepting my feelings is a good first step towards greater peace?

  • What if accepting my emotions is part of accepting and loving myself as I am?

  • More and more, I choose to accept myself as I am.

  • More and more, I choose peace.

Accepting your emotions is a crucial part of true self-acceptance

Learning to accept our emotions is also a big part of accepting ourselves as we are.

Our “negative” emotions are a part of us and they’re a part of our journey.

Our thoughts don’t simply come out of nowhere! Our “negative” thoughts and feelings are coming from wounded parts within that need (and deserve!) healing and compassion.

These parts hold some of our woundedness and pain, but they also hold some of our wisdom and wholeness.

These are parts of ourselves that are asking for healing. And when we reconnect with them and give them the loving, compassionate attention they need, that’s when we heal.

Our journey isn’t about running away from or changing our thoughts.

Our journey is about facing what we’re really experiencing and lovingly healing what needs healing.

You deserve that level of healing.

⬅️ watch a short video about self acceptance

How did that Havening meditation to accept your emotions feel to you?

What shifted within you? What did you realize?

Which iffirmations were your favorite?

I would love to hear about your experience in the comments.

Thank you so much for joining me for this guided meditation!

I hope that it helped you soften towards yourself and your emotions in a way that brought you relief, peace and clarity

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And remember to join me every Friday on this beautiful journey out of your head, and into your more embodied and authentic self.


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About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

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