5 minute meditation to start your day (morning iffirmations)


This 5 minute meditation to start your day is truly the perfect way to start your day!  In this meditation you will use iffirmations and Havening to prime your body, heart and subconscious mind to make this the best day ever.

So, let's dive right in.


Morning Meditation using Iffirmations:

To begin with, get comfortable and begin the Havening touch.

You can run your palms together, rub down your arms from should to elbow, or apply the Havening touch to your face or cheeks.

This touch creates soothing, delta waves in your brain.  It stimulates the release of happiness neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin and it will also help you mindfully ground into your body this morning.

Continuing the Havening touch, close your eyes and bring to mind something that effortlessly makes you smile.  Allow a smile to spread across your face as you think of this thing.

Breathing, imagine that the essence of that smile can begin expanding through you. You feel the essence of the smile in your breath, filling your lungs and your heart.

And imagine the essence of that smile then radiating to every other part of you … into your cells, your bones, your organs.

Breathing, let the essence of that smile ripple through your heart and your mind.

Feeling the smile in your big toe on your left foot.

Feeling it in the pinky finger on your right hand.

Feeling the essence of this smile everywhere within you and around you.

Now, repeat after me: 

  • What if I carry the essence of this smile within me today?

  • What if this inner smile supports me in all that I do today?

  • What if I lovingly bring the best of me to this day?

  • What if I treat myself with compassion and kindness at every opportunity today?

  • What if I let love flow through me and fill me today?

  • What if I listen to the deep calling of my heart today?

  • What if I allow myself to be guided by my highest wisdom?

  • What if today, I connect more and more to the tenderness and strength within me?

  • What if I approach today believing that I am enough and I always have been.

  • What if it's safe for me to be myself today?

  • What if today I appreciate my own beauty?

Now think of a goal you have or something meaningful that you want to accomplish today and repeat after me:

  • What if I feel greater and greater clarity about how to achieve my goals today?

  • What if I start to get better results?

  • What if I'm open to curiosity, creativity and learning today?

  • What if I align with the creative knowing of my heart and let it guide me today?

  • What if I take inspired action towards my goals today?

  • What if I can find a way?

  • What if today, I feel confident and calm?

  • What if today is a wonderful day?

Now, let the Self-Havening go and notice how you feel.

Great job.

I hope you're now ready to start your amazing day.

Please let me know how you enjoyed that meditation and what you feel now in the comments below.

Thank you so much for spending these five minutes with me.   ❤️

Have a lovely day.


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