iffirmations for self-love (havening to increase self-love)


Are you ready to massively increase your self-love? Then try these iffirmations for self-love!

What are iffirmations?

Iffirmations are similar to affirmations, but they can be far more powerful to your subconscious mind.  When affirmations feel inauthentic to us on a deep level, they create feelings of resistance or failure in our deep psyche.

But iffirmations are actually flexible “what if” questions that stimulate creative problem solving and possibilities in our subconscious mind.  And they always feel compassionate and expansive.

And today, we're going to add to the power iffirmations by using Havening touch along with them.  Havening touch is scientifically proven to create soothing delta waves in the deep region of your brain called the limbic system.  It also stimulates your brain to release happiness neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, so it soothes your nervous system and strengthens the iffirmations!


Start by getting comfortable and beginning the Havening touch.

The Havening touch can be applied in 3 ways:

  1. Rubbing your palms together

  2. Stroking downwards on your arms from shoulder to elbow

  3. Or you can rub your hands on your cheeks or your face.

Continue Havening the entire time we're doing this exercise, going between those three locations, in whatever way feels good to you and ask your self these questions:

Iffirmations for Self-Love

  • What if it's safe for me to love myself?

  • What if it's okay for me to see the best in myself?

  • What if I start to look at myself through a more loving lens?

  • What if I start to show myself more compassion?

  • What if I start to treat myself with respect?

  • What if I'm worthy of love, joy and happiness?

  • Now finishing this sentence: what if I'm worthy of love because …

  • What if I can grow in love towards myself everyday?

  • What if I can lovingly accept my strengths and my weaknesses?

  • What if I can soften my heart towards my past mistakes?

  • What if I can embrace my imperfections?

  • What if I can let my old stories and self-judgments go?

  • What if I can forgive myself and my past?

  • What if I can love myself?

  • What if I can listen to the deep calling of my heart?

  • What if I can attune to the essence of who I truly am?

  • What if I can open myself to deeper self-acceptance every day?

  • What if there's so much more to me than I even know?

  • What if I could see the beauty within myself?

  • What if I'm enough? What if I am more than enough?

  • I'm open to the possibility of loving myself.

  • I'm open to the possibility of loving myself, more and more everyday,

  • Finishing the sentence: I'm open to the possibility of loving myself, more, and more everyday because…

  • I'm ready to change my relationship with myself.

  • I'm choosing to learn a new way.

  • Finishing the sentence: What I truly want for myself is…

  • How I want to move forward is….

  • What I know now that I didn't know before is…

  • How it feels to know that is….

Keep applying the Havening touch and just notice how you feel in your body right now.

Taking several breaths, really receive that feeling deeper and deeper as if it could just sink into your bones.

Now bring your attention back to the room. Feel the skin of your palms, rubbing against the skin of your other palm, or shirt, or your face.  And gently bring the Havening touch to a close.

How was that for you? Do you feel like your self-love increased?

Please let me know in the comments below how you're feeling now and what that experience was like for you!

Thanks so much for doing this with me today! Have a good one. ❤️


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