feel it to heal it (simple 3-step process)

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You have to feel it to heal it.

Truer words have never been spoken … but what do they mean?! And how on earth do you do it?!

In this post, I’m giving you a simple 3-step process to help you feel your emotions so that you can heal them!

Here’s a quick + super-helpful video to walk you through it!

(Psssst … in this video, I invite you to join me in my free upcoming training, The Secret Wisdom of your Triggers! It’s a value-packed 60-minute training where I dive deep into healing the roots of your emotions in your subconscious mind. Register for it below!)


“Feel it to heal it.”

In order to integrate, process and heal our emotions, we have to be able to feel them. And not only feel them emotionally, but feel them in our bodies because our bodies really hold on to that kind of stuff.

This can be confusing and hard because our culture has a belief that emotions are “bad” or “weak” and they should just be shoved to the side like they’re nothing but an inconvenience.

Our culture also tells us that if we just push our emotions away, then we won't have to deal with them.

But the fact is that “away” does not exist!

There is no where to push them. 

If we deny them, repress them, judge them, or fight with them, what happens is:

They get shoved into our subconscious but they still exist.

They're there in our psyche.

And they are exerting pressure and power over our everyday lives.

The second big hurtle to feeling our emotions is that some of these emotions are painful and we're biologically wired to avoid pain.

So, it’s really hard to know what to do when someone says, “you have to feel it to heal it.”

Simple 3-step process

This process is based on the revolutionary emotional processing technique Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM®).

So to start just think of something emotional that's been going on for you, and turn your attention to the sensations of your body. (I like to close my eyes so I can turn my attention inward fully.)

Step 1: Notice your body sensations

Notice how your body reacts to the emotion you’re thinking of.

Where is this reaction in your body?

Is it more on the right side or left side?

Is it deep or superficial?

Moving or still?

Warm or cool?

What else to do you notice?

Step 2: Your imagination will give it form

Looking at this reaction in your body with your imagination, what does it look like?

What color is it?

What shape is it?

Does it have a texture?

Do you see a whole image?

Notice all of the details

Step 3: breathe with it

Now just breathe with whatever you are feeling and imagining.

You can breathe in and out of the color/image directly. Or you can just allow your breathing to hold the color/image compassionately.

That’s it! How do you feel now?

Most people feel a great deal of relief just doing those incredibly simple 3 steps, but this is just the tip of the iceberg of emotional healing!

Want to go deeper?

I’m going to be doing a deep dive into emotional healing and uncovering the roots of your emotions in my upcoming training, The Secret Wisdom of Your Triggers! Please join me! It’s a value-packed hour of deep healing and amazing info!

Thanks for joining me! Let me know how that simple 3-step process worked for you in the comments below!

xoxo, Karena black.png