unblock your creativity (using your subconscious)

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Everyone who has ever tried to create knows the struggle of feeling blocked creatively. It truly takes courage to use your authentic voice and express your creative vision in this world!

The biggest culprit in this creative struggle is your subconscious mind.

The job of the primal parts of your brain and nervous system is to keep you safe. And to your subconscious mind, familiar = safe. So there are big parts of your nervous system working hard to keep you from venturing into the unknown.

On top of that, most of us have wounds to our creative voice!

Brené Brown has found that 85% of her research participants have memories of being criticized in school to such a degree that they consciously changed their behavior - and it at least 50% of those cases, the criticism was of their creativity!

So many of us carry memories in our subconscious of times that our creativity was actively discouraged, disparaged or misunderstood.

These old creative wounds can shut our creative voice down even more!

This week, I had the honor of being on writing coach Clara Rose’s show, Influence Matters, where we talk all about writers block, the subconscious and finding the courage to use your authentic voice!

Watch it here!

Our subconscious minds are truly so much more powerful than we think.

They can distract us, fill our head with worries, criticize our work and even cause us to totally self-sabotage.

If you’re struggling with blocked creativity or writers block, grab my free guide to communicating with your subconscious now - you can use the exercises and journaling pages in it to understand and clear the subconscious energies that are blocking you!


I’m curious - how do your creative blocks show up in your life? Let me know in the comments below!

And be sure to grab my guide so you can work through them on a deep level.

xoxo, Karena black.png