Mindset work is NOT enough!

This is the truth about overthinking and your out of control thoughts!

If your thoughts are out of control - maybe you’re overthinking, constantly worried or have a raging inner critic - this is simply a symptom of what’s happening in your feelings and in your body.

So, when people do a lot of mindset work, they’re often missing the point. Because your discomfort doesn’t originate in your thoughts, your thoughts are just a symptom of what’s going on on a deeper level.

That’s why I call myself an emotional health coach because even calling it mental health implies that it’s just something happening in your mind.

But it’s in your body, it’s in your cellular memory, it’s in your subconscious psyche, it’s in your tissues. That’s where the roots are and that’s what you need to connect with in order to heal.

If you want to learn more about how to access the deeper roots of your issues so you can reliably understand and heal them in an integrated way, I’m teaching a complementary training called The Secret Wisdom of Your Triggers. In it, you’ll learn how to connect with the roots of your emotional triggers in order to gain insight into your life, heal the wounds that are holding you back and increase your self-compassion. I’d love it if you joined me!


During this powerful workshop, you’ll:⁠

  • Uncover the true nature of your triggers + learn a new paradigm of self-healing.⁠

  • Learn the 3 biggest emotional mistakes that you are making that are keeping you stuck + spinning.⁠

  • Gain profound insights into the conflicts + repeating patterns in your life.⁠

  • Massively increase your self-compassion and understanding.⁠

  • Unlock the secret to deep self-healing that lies within you.⁠

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