How to work with your emotional triggers

What are your emotional triggers trying to tell you?

The amazing truth about our triggers is that if we learn how to listen to them, they tell us about our limiting beliefs, unprocessed emotions, past pain and subconscious commitments.

And even though, they feel messy, confusing and (frankly) awful at time, if we learn how to listen to them, they can be our truest guides on our path to wholeness and healing (if we learn how to process and transform them deep in our subconscious)!


Our emotional triggers are messengers.⁠ They bring messages from the deepest parts of our psyche that are calling out for love and attention.⁠

All of the parts of ourselves that have felt messy, overwhelming, embarrassing or just too vulnerable have been shoved into the under layers of our psyches.

But, these parts don’t want to stay exiled there.⁠ They want to be seen and held. They want to be integrated.⁠

And, they hold pieces of our wisdom.⁠

When we can get curious about the deeper messages contained within our triggers, they can guide us directly to the parts of ourselves that are ready for healing.⁠

There are ways to understand the call of the subconscious. There’s a simple system for learning to communicate with (and reprogram) the deepest parts of your psyche. It’s effective and much more fun than you might think.⁠ I’m going to be teaching all about this in my upcoming free training, The Secret Wisdom of Your Triggers.

During this workshop, you’ll:⁠

  • Uncover the true nature of your triggers + learn a new paradigm of self-healing.⁠

  • Learn the 3 biggest emotional mistakes that you are making that are keeping you stuck + spinning.⁠

  • Gain profound insights into the conflicts + repeating patterns in your life.⁠

  • Massively increase your self-compassion and understanding.⁠

  • Unlock the secret to deep self-healing that lies within you.⁠

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