somatic embodiment practice (to soothe your nervous system!)


This somatic embodiment practice can help you connect with your body and the present moment in a way that soothes your nervous system and makes you feel more centered, grounded and calm!

Most of us spend most of our time lost in our thoughts, disconnected from our hearts, and stuffing our true feelings.  We’ve been trained to ignore our bodies, repress our natural emotional responses and deny our gut feelings.

This is particularly true for those of us who have experienced trauma.  When we experience trauma (big or small), our body remembers everything, while our mind goes to work trying to protect us from our own overwhelming trauma responses.  This creates a rift between the conscious stories of our mind and the lived experience of our body.

It feels normal to live in our heads rather than in our bodies, but we don’t realize how much it costs us.

When we're disconnected from our body, we're cut off from the incredible wisdom of our bodies, emotions and intuition.

It becomes normal to feel anxious, angry or stressed and not really know why.  We find ourselves on a confusing roller coaster of uncomfortable physical and emotional symptoms.  We doubt ourselves and lack a clear sense of direction.

Luckily, it doesn't have to stay this way.

What is embodiment?

Embodiment is the practice of being present in your skin (and your life) by connecting to your physical sensations and awakening your inner knowing.  

When we’re embodied, we use our deepening body awareness as a tool for healing and authentic living.

We attune to our inner sensations to connect with who we truly are, how we truly feel and to gain perspective on our emotional patterns and knee-jerk reactions to life.  In this way, we become free to choose different ways to respond and more authentic ways of being.

Benefits of embodiment

  • Increases your self-awareness, self-understanding and self-compassion.

  • Helps you heal and release old patterns, limiting beliefs and painful emotions.

  • Makes you less reactive and more mindful in everyday life.

  • Guides you to respond to life in ways that express the truth and depth of your authentic self.

  • Cultivating the ability to track your internal sensations is essential to healing trauma and regulating your nervous system.

Try this 3 minute somatic embodiment practice now!

If you’re ready to dive even deeper with your emotional healing, join me for this powerful upcoming training!


I’m not exaggerating when I say that if you simply take 3 minutes every day and do that somatic embodiment practice, it will make you more calm and less reactive AND change your relationship with your body!

So, bookmark this page or save that video to a playlist on YouTube so you can use it regularly! (If you’d like to save it on Pinterest, click here!)

How did it feel to you? Let me know in the comments!


About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Want to uncover the subconscious roots of your triggers and learn a new paradigm of emotional healing?

Sign up for my free training now!

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