The Golden Shadow (reclaim your inner wisdom)

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Shadow work is one of the most profound and effective ways to increase our self-awareness, our self compassion and to achieve greater peace and ease in our lives, in the world and in our bodies.

But there's one aspect of shadow work that nobody is talking about and it's one of the most healing aspects!

I'm talking about the Golden Shadow.  The Golden Shadow is your repressed light and your repressed brilliance. It's your hidden potential and your authentic voice that got repressed to some degree when you were being socialized in this world.  

And reclaiming your inner wisdom, owning your authenticity and connecting with this Golden Shadow is one of the biggest gifts that shadow work has to offer.

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What exactly is the golden Shadow?

Our Shadow Self is a part of our subconscious psyche that holds all of the parts of ourselves that we've disowned over the years, all of the aspects of ourselves that we've rejected, denied or repressed in order to fit in with our families or with society.

Many people think of the Shadow Self as the confusing or embarrassing parts of us. Most think it's just the unenlightened parts of us or the parts of us that society has judged as bad or wrong.

But what most people don't realize, is that when we're growing up, we often have to reject and repress huge parts of our inner knowing, our creativity, our authentic voice, our personal power.

And all of those aspects of yourself are still there, deep in your subconscious psyche.

That's called the Golden Shadow.

It's the part of ourselves that we've repressed or denied that holds our brilliance, our unique light and really beautiful and powerful aspects of ourselves.

This Golden Shadow exists hand in hand with the other part of our shadow.

They are one and the same deep in our psyche and when you access one you also begin to access the other.

In my work as an emotional healing coach, I utilize a revolutionary technique called Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM®).  During a RIM® session, I guide my clients and my students deep into their subconscious psyche, so that we can begin to excavate what's there.

We bring love to those darker aspects of the Shadow, and we begin to heal the wounds that are stuck in that subconscious place. (Those wounds have so much power over our everyday lives.)

But every single time that I journey with a client into their subconscious psyche, this Golden Shadow shows up! Their deep inner wisdom shows up to hold space for the journey and that is as profound of a healing as bringing love to those more wounded or confused parts of the psyche.

Because as you reconnect to your authentic voice, to your inner light, to your personal power and to what brings you authentic joy,  you begin to embody it more and more in everyday life.

You bring your Golden Shadow out of the subconscious and into conscious awareness.

And then, when it's part of your conscious awareness, you can begin to look at the world differently.

You have a fresh perspective and new eyes on everything.

So, this is a huge and important piece of Shadow work.


Here are some aspects of self that are commonly found in the golden shadow.

  • Creativity

  • Intuition

  • The intelligence of your body

  • Your joyful inner child

  • A strong sense of purpose and direction

  • A feeling of being connected to all things or belonging to something bigger than yourself

  • A deep inner wisdom

This deep inner wisdom holds the answers to all of your questions and has a heart-centered, loving and understanding perspective.

Connecting with Your Golden Shadow

So Mystics have long spoken about this aspect of ourselves.

The Light Within. 

Your inner knowing. 

All of your answers are within.

All of these speak to the essence of that hidden wisdom within, that hidden Light within, which is your Golden Shadow. 

And, of course, most of us are familiar with this amazing Marianne Williamson quote:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.”

So deep inside you know the truth of the Golden Shadow, but it can be hard for the conscious mind to grasp just by the very nature of the fact that it's subconscious, and we’ve repressed it.  Our conscious mind doesn't tune into it naturally or easily.

So, here are a few tips on how to connect with your Golden Shadow.

First, practice honoring and accepting ALL parts of you.

This tendency that we have in our culture to reject or repress all of our “negative”, uncomfortable or embarrassing aspects of our self leads to more Shadow being created. And anything like “Good Vibes only” just leads to more repression which leads to more Shadow.

The opposite of that is accepting all parts of you. Learning to grow in self love and recognize that the parts of you that are embarrassing or vulnerable or just kind of confusing or socially unacceptable, all of those parts need love, too.  

When it comes to the shadow you can't cherry pick the “good” from the “bad.”

Tip number two is to learn how to connect with your heart and with your body.

All of this deep inner wisdom may be confusing to our analytical minds and our egos…

But our bodies, our cells and our hearts have not forgotten and they still are in communication with this deep inner wisdom.

So if you practice tuning into your heart, tuning in to the sensations of your body, then you have a really good first step of how to start communicating with the deeper parts of your psyche.

And tip three is that you could try something like Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM®) which actually leads you to learn how to communicate with these deeper parts of your psyche.

This will bring more healing, wholeness, self-understanding and more embodiment of your authentic self into your life.

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Thank you so much for reading this! I hope that you got a ton out of it and I really do hope that it inspires you to start to connect with your own Golden Shadow.

I believe that your unique light, your authentic voice, and your creativity are really needed in the world right now.

So, I hope that you are encouraged to love and accept all parts of yourself a little bit more and maybe go a little bit deeper into your subconscious psyche, to explore these aspects of yourself.

To learn more about how to communicate with your subconscious, sign up for my free training, The Secret Wisdom of Your Triggers!

xoxo, Karena black.png