why you're stuck (+ a quick hack to get unstuck!)


Where do you feel stuck in life?

Maybe you’re trying to achieve a goal but instead of making progress, you find yourself slamming into a huge wall of resistance or sabotaging your own efforts.

Or maybe you truly want to feel peaceful and content inside but instead you consistently feel agitated or full of self-judgment.

We all get stuck spinning our wheels in familiar emotional and mental ruts sometimes and in this video, I’m going to explain exactly why you’re stuck plus teach you a quick hack to get unstuck so by the end of this video you’ll have a somatic and neurological shift to help you get out of those repeating patterns that aren’t working for you and create new, more supportive neural pathways in your brain.


Why you’re stuck

Whether we’re aware of it or not, most of us feel the same feelings, think the same thoughts and generate the same outcomes in our lives day after day after day.  

(We have about 60-70,000 thoughts per day and 70-80% of them are repetitive.)

And when these patterns of thought, feeling and behavior aren’t serving us, it can be really hard to change them.

This is because they have become well worn neurological pathways in our brain.

By repeating the same thoughts, feelings and behaviors over and over again, our neurons wire together to form incredibly strong neurological pathways in our brains, nervous systems and bodies.  And, so these patterns just become the easiest ways for us to be.  Just like if you were driving on a road that had deep grooves in it, it’s easier to drive in the grooves than to get out of them.  It’s just the path of least resistance.

Our brains require incredible amounts of calories to lay down new neural pathways and think new thoughts, so much of what happens in our nervous systems is automated and repeated for energy efficiency.

And these neurological pathways are further strengthened by the fact that our  subconscious mental models, coping mechanisms, and trauma responses (basically our knee-jerk reactions to life) just reinforce these already dominant patterns in our lives.

A Quick Hack to Get Unstuck

To get you unstuck neurologically, we’re going to use an amazing tool called Havening.  Havening is a psycho-sensory technique specifically designed to repattern deep, primal parts of your nervous system.  I’m going to guide you through an 11 minute super effective self-havening exercise that will help your brain rewire your stuck patterns, essentially creating space for new,more beneficial neural pathways.

This exercise will be helpful even if you only use it once, but is safe to be repeated anytime you feel stuck to support your change even more.  So, you may want to share this video with yourself or favorite it so you can do this exercise anytime you feel stuck in any way.

Havening Exercise to Get Unstuck

You're going to do Havening touch during this entire exercise.  Havening touch is just simply rubbing your palms together in a soothing and natural way.  Havening touch can also be done on your upper arms.  So rubbing your upper arms with your hands, from shoulder to elbow, shoulder to elbow, shoulder to elbow. Or havening touch can be done on your face or cheeks.

So, moving between these three types of touch in whatever way feels right to you.

Let your eyes close and bring to mind that part of your life where you feel so stuck right now.

What emotions come up for you as you tune into this stuck place in your life?

What thoughts do you have when you're feeling these emotions?

Do these thoughts and feelings remind you of anything?

Now continuing to do Havening touch, begin to feel the stuckness in your body.

Where do you notice that the most? 

Is it more on the right or the left?

Is it deep or superficial or maybe neither or both?

Is it moving or still?

Does it have a texture or a temperature?

How big is it? 

Imagining that you could breathe into the height and the width and the depth of it.

Notice what color it is.

Now that you've really felt it in your body, your imagination is just going to take you to an alternate reality.

With a wave of a magic wand, you're in an alternate reality where you're no longer stuck.

In this alternate reality, not only are you free from feeling stuck, but you're actually living your life as you truly desire.

So, just really allow yourself to be engulfed in this alternate reality, tuning into it with all of your senses.  Noticing what's different about this alternate reality where you're living the life you truly desire.

Breathe and just take it in. 

And then notice what emotions and thoughts are present in this alternate reality.

How do you feel in your body?

Where do you feel those feelings?

More on the right or the left?

Deep or superficial?

Is it moving or still? 

Warm or cool?

How big are these feelings in your body?

What color are they? 

Breathing into the height and the width and the depth of these feelings in the alternate reality.

What's the main difference in how you feel?

Now, you're going to go back to the stuck feeling, feel it again in your body. Really getting curious about the location, the size, the texture, the color, allowing yourself

to just go back to the stuckness as much as you can and take a few breaths while still doing the havening touch.

And then moving again into the alternate reality, where the stuckness is resolved and you're living the life you truly desire again.

Really feel that in your body.

The feelings.

Your breath. 

Taking in the alternate reality through all of your senses.

Moving back to the stuck again, feeling it in your body.

It's most likely already beginning to shift and so notice what is shifting.

What looks different about it?

What feels different about it?

On your next breath move to the alternate reality where you're free and living the life you truly desire. Are the feelings in this alternate reality shifting, or changing? Noticing their color.

Noticing their shape. 

Feeling them in your body as you breathe and do the havening touch.

And one more time, going back into the stuck.

Taking a few breaths. 

Moving back to the alternate reality taking a few breaths.

And then just letting all of that go.  Just feel how you feel in your body right now.

What is different in your body since when we started this exercise?

Continuing to do the havening touch, repeat after me: 

  • What if it's safe for me to move out of these stuck patterns now?

  • What if it's safe for me to move forward towards what I truly desire?

  • What if moving forward is easier than it previously has been?

  • What if I could move forward with greater ease and clarity than ever before?

  • What if I'm fully ready to move forward now?

  • What if more is possible here than I've ever imagined?

And then finishing these sentences:

  • What I truly desire for myself now is…

  • And how it would feel to have that now is…

  • And what being stuck in this old pattern has cost me is…

  • But what I'm realizing now is…

  • And how it feels to realize all that is...

Now just bring your awareness fully back to your body. You can feel the temperature of your palms as you do the havening touch.  And notice how stuck or not stuck, you feel now.

You've absolutely created new neural pathways and opened possibilities for yourself that weren't open before. 

How do you feel now?

Please let me know in the comments below!

I hope you have a lovely day. Thanks for doing this with me.  ❤️


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