mind body connection exercise (havening to increase your body awareness)


Mind Body Connection Exercise

We humans are holistic beings and our mind and body are inextricably connected in countless deep and nuanced ways, but most of us spend most of our time living in our heads, lost in our our thoughts and disconnected from the vast wisdom of our bodies.

And this disconnection costs us so much!

When we have lost touch with our physical sensations, we also lose touch with our authentic gut reactions to the world around us. It may become normal to feel anxious, angry or stressed and not really know why. Or we may feel numb, full of doubt and lack a clear sense of self.

In today’s video, I’m going to guide you through a powerful mind body connection exercise that will help you increase your body awareness in a way that is deeply soothing, relaxing and safe.

So if you’re ready to come home to your authentic self, reconnect to your wholeness and access the vast wisdom held within your body, then keep watching!

watch video here!

*** the mind body connection exercise starts at 3:09

The Power of the Mind Body Connection

Because our mind and body are so interconnected, our thoughts and feelings vastly affect our physiology and our physiology also affects our thoughts and feelings. Even considering our mind and body as 2 separate and distinct entities isn’t really accurate on a biological, medical or neuroscientific level.

And yet, many of us have been conditioned to ignore our bodies, repress our gut feelings and value our thoughts more than anything else.

This is especially true for those of us that have experienced trauma. When we experience trauma (big or small), our body remembers everything, while our mind goes to work trying to protect us from our own overwhelming trauma responses. This creates a rift between the conscious stories of our mind and the lived experience of our body.

Amazingly, our body sends 11 million bits of information per second to the brain, but our conscious mind can only process about 40-50 bits per second, which means our bodies are in touch with so much more information than our conscious mind can ever fully understand. When we increase our body awareness, we can have more and more access to that information.

Unfortunately, when we’re disconnected from our body, we’re cut off from the incredible wisdom of our bodies, emotions and intuition.

But, when we learn to connect to our physical sensations and increase our body awareness, we can begin to connect with who we truly are, how we truly feel and gain perspective on our emotional patterns and knee jerk reactions to life. We can use this deepening awareness of our body to increase our self-awareness, decrease our reactivity and awaken to a deep inner knowing.

And, lots of trauma research is showing that increasing your ability to track your internal sensations is a necessary piece to healing trauma and regulating your nervous system.

Havening to Increase Your Body Awareness

For this exercise, we’re going to be utilizing an amazing therapeutic psycho-sensory technique called Havening Techniques®. Havening creates soothing delta waves in your brain which help your amygdala and your limbic system down regulate while also stimulating the release of happiness chemicals in your brains such as oxytocin, serotonin and GABA, so while we’re doing this mind body connection exercise, the Havening Touch is going to be soothing our nervous system and helping us reset.

(Watch the video above for the full exercise!)

Mind Body Connection Iffirmations

  • What if it’s safe for me to connect with my body?

  • What if connecting with my body could help me live from a place of deeper wholeness and authenticity?

  • What would it be like if I could listen to the wisdom of my body more and more?

  • More and more I’m choosing to honor my body.

  • More and more I’m choosing to listen to my deep inner knowing.

  • More and more I’m meeting myself where I am.

What was that like for you? I would genuinely love to hear about your experience in the comments below.

I’m especially curious about what changed for you, in your mind and your body from the beginning of that exercise to the end. So go ahead and pop a comment down below to let me know!

And if you want to take your mind-body connection even further, I have a free guide that can just really help you get more and more in touch with the wisdom within your body and your emotions specifically.

Get your free embodied emotional healing guide now!

Thank you so much for joining me today!

I hope that this had a profound impact on your mind body connection.

And I hope that it really felt uplifting for you. ❤️


About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Want to learn how to decode the language of your emotions + tap into the wisdom of your body?

Grab your free guide here!

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