be the light (a guided meditation to activate your higher consciousness)


 In this wild, busy world that we live in, so many of us sensitive souls feel a sense of disconnection. We bustle around doing what needs to be done in our lives ... but we feel as if we’re missing something. We long to be connected with the light of our spirit … with the God of our heart … but we get lost in our habituated thoughts and habits and fail to truly tap into the depths of our souls. 

We know that there’s more to us … we know that we have a higher consciousness … and we long to tap into it! But, the world doesn’t teach us how to do that!

The truth is, our higher consciousness is always available to us! And it’s always calling to us! Its message is that we’re more than we think we are … and there’s more to life than meets the eye! Our higher consciousness won’t let us settle for living life half asleep – just going through the motions and doing the same old things the same tired way.

We are more beautiful, powerful and brilliant than we allow ourselves to believe. We have more potential for connection and compassion than we realize.


And when we allow ourselves to open to this higher consciousness more and more every day, our lives begin to become more peaceful and loving! Our minds become clearer and our hearts expand massively!


Listen to this meditation today and then download your free copy! If you listen to it daily, you will be amazed at how it shifts your life in the most gentle and profound way!


Download this meditation for free now!

How did this meditation make you feel?  Let me know in the comments below!!!

xoxo, Karena black.png
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About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a Certified Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM®) Facilitator.

I’ve become known for helping my clients and students quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging beliefs that are holding them back!

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