emotional regulation technique (havening for emotional self regulation)


We've all been there… something happens that triggers us and all of a sudden, our emotions spiral out of control.  We lose connection with ourselves and the present moment as our thoughts spin into familiar stories.  Our bodies tense as our mind constantly replays memories from the past, perseverate on worries about the future or somehow does both at the same time.

What we need in moments like that is to regulate our emotions, which may sound difficult, but is actually much easier than you may think.

In this video, I teach (and guide you through) a powerful emotional regulation technique, utilizing Havening, which soothes your whole system and gives you a safe way to feel, honor and transform your emotions.

Watch the video now!

What is emotional regulation?

Before we dive into the emotional regulation technique, I'm going to quickly define emotional regulation and emotional dysregulation.

When we're dysregulated, we’re stuck in a state of emotional reactivity.  Our nervous systems literally get stuck in a state of anxiety, overwhelm, defensiveness, hypervigilance, fear, shame, or even numbness, hopelessness, or collapse.  

And we really do get stuck.  Primal parts of our brain and nervous system are responding to whatever triggered us as if we're in danger or as if we're being threatened … and they're not inclined to stop unless we can soothe our body and shift the reactivity of our nervous system.

Additionally, when we're stuck in one of these states, we don't have much clarity or perspective, which makes it really hard to get out of them. Sadly people can live their entire lives stuck in these dysregulated states, but it's a pretty miserable way to operate in the world.

Emotional regulation, on the other hand, refers to our ability to come back to our center from those reactive places and connect with ourselves and our emotions in a calm and loving manner, even when we're experiencing big emotions.

And regulation starts by soothing the body and the nervous system. When we can find calm in our body, we can have a more functional relationship with our emotions. We can have a more healthy perspective as we process, attend to and honor what our emotions are actually telling us.

And the more we strengthen our ability to be emotionally regulated, the more resilient we are.  The more we know that we can find a center again, the less frightening our emotions become. And the less frightened we are of our emotions, the less we need to depend on our defenses and the more we are able to show up in the world as our whole authentic selves.

What is Havening?

The powerful emotional regulation technique that I'm going to show you today utilizes Havening and Havening helps to deeply regulate the nervous system through the soothing power of touch. 

To do Havening, you simply rub your palms together, stroke downwards from your shoulders to your elbows or you stroke your face, cheeks or forehead in whatever way feels good to you. 

This touch creates delta waves in your brain, and these delta waves help your brain and nervous system to relax, to release the threat response that they're stuck in and it stimulates your brain to release the happiness chemicals, oxytocin, serotonin and GABA.

(Watch the video above now to do the full emotional regulation technique!)

To dive even deeper with your emotional healing, check out this free training!


How did that exercise feel to you? Please let me know in the comments below!

Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope that this exercise had profound effects on how you're feeling.

And remember, you can do this emotional regulation technique anytime that you need it. (You may want to bookmark this page or share it with yourself so you can easily find it again when you need it!). ❤️


About me

Hey, I’m Karena!

I’m a trauma informed emotional healing coach here to help you quickly identify and heal the subconscious blocks, old emotional wounds and self-sabotaging core beliefs that are holding you back!

Want to uncover the subconscious roots of your triggers and learn a new paradigm of emotional healing?

Sign up for my free training now!

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